Sitecore - On-Premises to Azure PaaS (ASE) Cloud Migration - Part 4


Common Issues and solutions:

Sitecore Issues

a.       Indexes not building in CD server.

Root Cause: Config has Instance name explicitly mentioned.

This instance will certainly not match to Instance name in Azure App Service as the instance name are dynamically created.

This was found by inspecting EventQueue Table in Core Database

The instance name is mentioned in this config on CD server.


The solution is to Empty the Instance Name so that it takes the default Azure App Service resolved Name. Now on re-indexing you can see dynamic Instance Name

b.      Rebuild index failure due to high CPU usage on AppService

High CPU usage (above 70-80%) was observed when trying to rebuild index for core database.

So as and when the CPU reached high usage the Sitecore instance itself getting shutdown and failing the index rebuild process.

As the web app is now hosted in Azure App Service, the Data Folder which outside the website root had to be moved to App_Data inside the website. Azure App Services do not have file system access outside of the website root folder.

c.       For some pages date format coming is different when compared to existing date format of few pages.

In the Azure Portal under Application Settings add a environmental variable with the name WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE with appropriate value eg. W. Europe Standard Time

Isolated ASE

d.      Outbound connectivity to on-premises environment was failing

.Net Framework 4.6.1 by default doesn’t enforce the TLS version as 1.2

On capturing network traces, it was evident that the application is making a call over TLS1.0

Fix : To fix this we had to enforce the TLS1.2 through the code

e.       App Insights Live metrics not working

URLs required by application insights required were getting blocked


Below URLs required by application insights was allowed (via configurations) to bypass through proxy




f.        Http 5xx errors

Issue with the certificate on the application gateway

Fix: Updated the certificates. Replaced expired certificates.

Part 3


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