Sitecore - On-Premises to Azure PaaS (ASE) Cloud Migration - Part 1


Sitecore - On-Premises to Azure PaaS(ASE) Cloud Migration - Part 1


In this blog series, I’ll attempt to explain in the detail the architecture, design and approach for migrating (or should I say Re-hosting) a Sitecore website from an on-premises environment to Azure PaaS ASE environment. 


The current Sitecore website hosted on on-premises had scalability issues. The website performance was impacted during the spikes in demand.

The Traffic volumes coming into the website was expected the double due to a merger.

The desired objective was to scale website to enough level to cater for increased volumes and Improve the existing resilience levels of the website.

On-premises Architecture

Highlights of the current on premises architecture

  • Sitecore version 8.2, Mongo DB for Analytics and Backend systems were Oracle and .NET based
  • There were 6 Sitecore Content Delivery servers split across 2 Data centers
    • Three in each of Data Center (Windows 2012 Standard R2)
  • There was only one Sitecore content authoring server, xdb processing and reporting nodes were all part of this server itself.
  •   MSSQL 2012 Enterprise was used for Sitecore database


New Azure PaaS Architecture

Highlights of the new Azure PaaS architecture

  • The new architecture follows hub (central hub subscription) and spoke model (subscription 1).
  • The applications were designed to be hosted inside an App service environment (ASE) to provide a fully isolated, dedicated and a secure environment. If security is not a primary concern the hosting on just App Service plan without the ASE should also suffice.
  • No need to separate CM and CD into Separate App service environment
  • From a uniformity standpoint and to avoid the maintenance overhead, Mongo Atlas (PaaS option) was opted for Mongo DB.
  • We decided to design the new Azure PaaS environment with Zone redundancy and Geo Replication hence there No design for a separate DR environment.
  • Single instance for Web database and elastic pool for all other Sitecore databases. As per best practice of Sitecore
  • Change to Azure Redis for session management is desirable however since this was a time-consuming activity it was not included in the scope.
  • The Backend / API internal systems could not be moved to cloud, so they were connected to Azure PaaS through Express Route.
  • Azure private DNS zone can be created and can be made accessible only within the VNET

Azure PaaS Architecture

Components of the New Azure PaaS Architecture





App service environment

Provides a fully isolated and dedicated environment for securely running App Service apps at high scale.

Content Authoring, Delivery Apps container


App Service plan

Defines a set of compute resources for a web app to run

Isolated Service Plan. Separate App service plan one each for Content Authoring and Content Delivery Apps


Azure SQL Databases

Scalable, cloud database service – single instance – Web database


Azure SQL Databases

Elastic database – all other Sitecore databases


Azure Storage Account

Storage location for importing bacpac from on-premises to Azure SQL and for storing logs


Application Gateway

Content authoring and content delivery app would be exposed as public endpoint through this gateway


Azure Key vault

Enables Azure subscribers to safeguard and control cryptographic keys and other secrets used by cloud apps and services


Mongo Atlas DB

For xDB


Azure Monitor

This will have App Insights, Log Analytics, Metrics, Dashboards & Alerts



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